— Muslim Alliance of Indiana


The Muslim Alliance of Indiana (MAI) and the Council of Indiana Muslim Organizations (CIMO) on behalf of all Muslim Hoosiers unequivocally condemns the shootings in San Bernardino, now been identified as associated with terrorism. Muslim Hoosiers offer sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed or injured in this attack. We are deeply saddened by the loss of precious innocent lives , and disturbed to learn that the suspects appear to have been radicalized by Daesh propaganda.

In the wake of recent terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world and mass shootings in the US, Americans are naturally very concerned about the threat of violence in public places. MAI has partnered with federal and local law enforcement agencies to promote public safety, counter-terrorism methods, and threat awareness. During the recent MAI annual convention, a workshop by the federal bureau of investigation (FBI) provided a stronger understanding of how all citizens and communities can work with the FBI to identify and prevent threats to the public. Further, the convention was addressed by Mr. Jay Abbott, special agent in charge of the FBI for Indianapolis, who focused on the need for continued engagement of all communities to stop violence and ensure justice.

While the US has witnessed growing gun violence in recent year, terrorism remains thankfully relatively rare in our country. The Global Database on Terrorism at the University of Maryland reported that for the period 2004-2013, the greatest losses of life due to terrorist attacks occurred in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, and Syria – all countries with large Muslim populations.

Islamic teachings completely forbid the killing of any human being without just cause and due legal process, in order to deter murder or mayhem (Quran 5:32 and 17:33), and urge Muslims toward peace and forgiveness, and against evil, in over a hundred other verses. We urge Muslims to work for peace and human freedom, to tolerate free speech, and to assist law enforcement in preventing terrorism and pursuing justice. We also urge political leaders to avoid conflating Islam and Muslims with the despicable actions of a few deranged or radicalized individuals.

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