— Muslim Alliance of Indiana

Freedom concept. Escaping from the cage

There are about a thousand Muslims in the Indiana prison system (4% of the prison population).

Some 164 of them are likely to be released in 2015. When they are released, they may be vulnerable, poor, isolated and at risk. The mosque is a logical place for them to visit soon after release. Are you ready to vet them and support them?

Re-Entry for Masajids: how to assist our incarcerated or recently released brothers and sisters reaching out to the local Muslim community.

You can volunteer to help educate Muslims and others in the Indiana prison system about Islam, be a mentor, help them achieve education goals or participate in character-based programs. There is considerable demand for volunteers.

Volunteering: join the movement to volunteer in Indiana prisons.

Beyond Prison Walls

View the six part series on re-entering the community beyond prison walls.





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