Indianapolis Muslim Community Mourns Victim of Hate Crime, Mustafa Ayoubi

The Greater Indianapolis Muslim community is saddened and disheartened by the recent murder of Mustafa Ayoubi, a 32-year old IU Kelley School of Business graduate, devoted son and brother, and loyal friend. Ayoubi’s friends were present during the shooting and witnessed the alleged shooter shout bigoted and Islamophobic statements at Ayoubi before pulling the
trigger and taking his life.
We strongly condemn the abhorrent sentiments of hate and bigotry and we continue to work closely with IMPD for a transparent investigation into this hate crime.
Our hearts and prayers are with Mustafa’s family and friends, and we appreciate the outpouring support from the interfaith community. We will not tolerate bigotry in our Hoosier State, and with our allies, will continue our work to ensure that no community will grieve because of hate.
Signed in love,
Congressman Andre Carson, Indiana Congressional District 7
Hiba Alami, Indiana Muslim Advocacy Network (IMAN Associates)
Aliya Amin, Muslim Alliance of Indiana (MAI)
Imam Ahmed AlAmine, Masjid Alfajr
Halima Alkhattab, Indianapolis Muslim Community Association (IMCA)
Ashhar Madni, Al Salam Foundation
Michael Saahir, Nur-Allah Islamic Center
Dr. Muhammad Majid, Muslim Community Center
Board of Directors, Alhuda Foundation
Ismail Aleem, Masjid Al-Mumineen