— Muslim Alliance of Indiana

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Join us for dinner, awards ceremony and an engaging evening learning about the life of Muslim allies and what action Muslims can take to effect real, meaningful change. We will hear from Edward Curtis, Millennium Chair of the Liberal Arts and Professor of Religious Studies at IUPUI, Hassan Sheikh, Michigan Director of Emgage, and Richard McKinney, former Marine, retired soldier turned Muslim and former President of the Islamic Center of Muncie.

Invited guests include: Governor Eric Holcomb, Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch, Sen. Joe Donnelly, Sen. Todd Young, Mayor Joe Hogsett, and other State representatives and leaders.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact aliya.amin@indianamuslims.org

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February 24 @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm


The Muslim Alliance of Indiana, in collaboration with We All Belong Here and Masjid Al-Huda, invite you to get to know your Muslim neighbor over lunch at Masjid Al-Huda. We will also have a presentation about Islam, you are welcome to observe Friday prayers lunch! We look forward to getting to know you!

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A joint project of
The Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council and the Muslim Alliance of Indiana

The Muslim-Jewish Women’s Alliance builds relationships between local Jewish and Muslim women based upon mutual trust and respect. The program will consist of a series of eleven 90-minute sessions, the first of which will begin on Thursday, February 9th at 7:00 PM. Sessions will typically be held on the 2nd Thursday of each month, although some sessions may fluctuate based upon the nature of the session and its location.

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Register now for the 2016 Annual MAI Banquet


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The Muslim Alliance of Indiana (MAI) is deeply disturbed by recent anti-Muslim rhetoric in political campaigning. The experiences of minority groups has shown that divisive and demeaning rhetoric tends to incite acts of violence and intimidation. Today, Muslims are experiencing an upsurge in harassment and hate crimes and are becoming fearful in going about their daily lives.

We reject demands that Muslims be required to register in a national database, wear special badges, or be prohibited from entering the United States based on religious belief. We also believe that it is cruel to turn away genuine refugees based on religion or nationality, and contradicts a fundamental American values stated on our Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free…”

Intolerance based on religion, nationality, or race is a betrayal of values that all Americans and Hoosiers cherish. MAI is grateful for the support and encouragement of the many religious, civic, and political groups who have spoken and are speaking out against bigotry toward Muslims.

It is noted that MAI has consistently and without reservation condemned acts of terrorism, most recently the horrific shootings in San Bernardino (see statement of 12-4-2015).

The vision of MAI is to see Muslim Hoosiers thriving and actively serving their communities, helping to build a diverse, inclusive, and vibrant state characterized by strong social justice. MAI also strives to build a unified Muslim community that is well-integrated into Indiana’s political, economic, religious and social fabrics, and is working to preserve the civil rights and liberties of all vulnerable groups.

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