
— Muslim Alliance of Indiana

Congregation during COVID-19 Pandemic: A joint Statement from the Indiana Muslim Community

Congregation during COVID-19 Pandemic: A joint Statement from the Indiana Muslim Community

As Ramadan quickly approaches, the Indiana Muslim community solemnly acknowledges that this month of fasting will deviate from the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic. After consultation with both religious and health experts, we concede that congregation at the mosque puts our local and wider communities at risk, especially our elderly and those with underlying medical conditions. COVID-19 is highly contagious, and prayers or gatherings in large groups can intensify its spread.

We agree that continuing temporary suspension of religious congregation is not only permissible, but necessary for the greater public good. As many of us will be working on the frontlines and fighting for the well-being and safety of our communities, we recognize that social distancing is part of our civic and religious obligation. Islam commands us above all else to preserve and protect human life, a commandment that takes precedence even over obligatory rituals and practices.  There are many instances in the Quran and example of the Prophet Muhammad (S) that highlight social distancing, quarantine, and restriction of congregation for the preservation of health and life in dire circumstances. In this challenging time, Muslim scholars underscore that praying at home is not only recommended but is mandatory when health and well-being are at risk. Allah (SWT) says, “Do not throw yourselves with your own hands into harm.” [Quran 2:195].

We renew our commitment to suspend prayer in congregation and other group rituals until health and elected officials deem it safe to resume. We urge fellow Muslim Hoosiers to follow the stay-at-home order issued by Governor Eric Holcomb, maintain social distancing, and abstain from large gatherings. Given that this is a rapidly evolving situation, we will work closely with local health officials and religious leaders to update the guidelines and best practices as the situation unfolds. As a community, we will continue to explore safe, effective, and mindful ways to engage and enrich our faith during this holy month. May Allah relieve the world from this pandemic and grant us a successful Ramadan. 

Signed in peace and hope, 

Lori Joundi
Executive Director 
Muslim Alliance of Indiana

Hiba Alami
Executive Director
Indiana Muslim Advocacy Network

Ahmed Alamine
Indianapolis Muslim Community Association (IMCA)

Arman Siddiqui
President, Board of Directors
Alhuda Foundation

Shamaas Nyazee
AlHussnain Inc
Board of Directors

Ibrahim Eljirby
ISNA Masjid – Plainfield

Salihou Diallo
President , Board of Director

Heather Akou
Chair, Board of Trustees
Islamic Center of Bloomington

Richard A. McKinney BSW, AS
Board Member, Muslim Alliance of Indiana
Former President, Islamic Center of Muncie

Nayab Ahmed
Board of Trustees
Geist Community Center

Ismail Abdul-Aleem
Masjid Al-Mumineen

Michael “Mikal” Saahir
Resident Imam
Nur-Allah Islamic center

Halima Al-Khattab
President, Board of Directors
Indianapolis Muslim Community Association (IMCA)

Ghufran Ahmad
President, Board of Directors
Islamic Society of Columbus Indiana

Osama Saad
Al-Azhar Foundation

Hassan Mahrouq
President, Board of Directors
Masjid Al-Sahabah

Hydre Abdullah
Majlis Shura Member
Muslim Community Center

Zaim Khalid
Gen Coordinator
Islamic Society of Greater Lafayette

Nadeem Ikhlaq
Board of Trustees
Al Salam Foundation

Rami Musleh
Board of Directors
Northwest Indiana Islamic Center

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