Council Of Indiana Muslim Organizations
On April 28th, 2014, MAI hosted CIMO for the first meeting of this year. Representatives from Masjid Al-Mumineen, Share Inc., Al-Ilm Sunday School, Islamic School of Plainfield, Iqra Center of Indianapolis, Butler MSA, Islamic Center of Terre Haute, Islamic Society of Columbus and the University of Indianapolis MSA were in attendance.
The morning started with a breakfast and brief introduction of those present. Honorary Chairs, Judge David Shaheed and Dr. Rami Saltagi shared the importance of CIMO and reminded the group that all influential initiatives have started with a small group of dedicated individuals.
Carey Craig, Secretary of CIMO lead the first presentation, providing the room with a brief overview of programs that benefitted CIMO members to date. Among those mentioned was Muslim Day at the State House, an initiative aimed at connecting Islamic leadership to local government officials. The initiative was open to a small delegation of individuals, specifically 22 men and woman, who sat with government officials and discussed local matters of community concern. Next, Waseema Ali, Chief of Staff of the MAI, lead the next discussion providing an overview of MAI programs relevant to CIMO and recommended a method of communication between the two bodies. She urged the group to see CIMO has a grassroots movement.
Perhaps, the most important part of the evening was when the President of the MAI, Azher Khan, shared a quote by John Maxwell. He said, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.” On that note the Mr. Khan applauded each CIMO entity for their leadership and influence within the Muslim Community and urged a member to take lead of CIMO. He shared that the benefits of working together, working as a collective team, addressing disparities within communities, all reap countless benefits; however, someone needs to direct, organize, and galvanize CIMO communications. He suggested that this individual be deemed the Council President, a person who can remind the council of its purpose and mission, facilitate cooperation and consensus, and organize in a manner that effectively communicates the needs of the community with the appropriate change agents that can address those needs.
Alhumdulillah, the evening closed with a few individuals showing their interest and requesting more information about the position.
InshaAllah more will come out of CIMO in the near future. Stay tuned for more CIMO updates.
Are you an Islamic school, organization or place of worship? Write to to become a CIMO member.
CIMO as an entity that serves as the voice of different Muslim communities, an entity that creates solutions for disparities, and an entity that can make a larger difference in the entire Hoosier community by way of collective cooperation. MAI is the executive arm of CIMO when need be, in order to create programming that responds to the needs of the Muslim Community.